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Last Updated: 7/27/2024

I am hardly going to do this justice. But yes this is the programming language invented by Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson in 1972 at Bell Labs. I have included the link to a book for this located on on archive.org. I will not go in detail by describing imperative procedural language…. let’s just leave it as a language that also was in Unix time created to compile down and or link with machine language. It is in a large way what helped enlarge the imagination and created a stable common development environment. Yes we are going to see that it is a descendent or has BCPL (Basic Combined Programing Language) and B.

It might be more recognized for it’s structuring and use of braces. Often described as being close to machine language. Or close, enough that with analysis and coding can be more easily transformed into a machine language then some more English interpreted language – or so lays the claims.

Over time the language has unified under a number of Standardizations. The C89 version had 32 reserved words.

https://archive.org/details/cprogramminglang0000kern_2ed – Limited preview; much like amazon. I was going to put a link to a PDF of it found on github and stopped myself. I have to question of legality of the material I found.