bash – compiling most recent version

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Last Updated: 9/1/2024

To get the code for bash. The nice thing about the bash source is that it comes with a configured script and is ready to go. (cough. Are you listening OpenSSH?)

root@nodex:~/xx# wget
--2024-08-31 16:01:36--
Resolving (, 2001:470:142:3::b
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 10952866 (10M) [application/x-gzip]
Saving to: ‘bash-5.2.32.tar.gz’

bash-5.2.32.tar.gz  100%[===================>]  10.45M  1.74MB/s    in 6.4s

2024-08-31 16:01:43 (1.62 MB/s) - ‘bash-5.2.32.tar.gz’ saved [10952866/10952866]

You will want to extract and compile.

root@nodex:~/xx# tar -xvzf bash-5.2.32.tar.gz

Enter the directory.

cd bash-5.2.32

run ./configure which will examine the environment and create an appropriate Makefile


Not much left to do but make it.


Tip: Just to be sure, I want to remind you that if you are performing this on a virtualized machine, you might benefit from taking a snapshot of it so that you have a fall back position.

To install you can run make install.

make install

And then reboot


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