Last Update: 2/9/2025
heavy sigh… yes, it saddens me that I can go back half a year later and look at some of drivel I have posted and wonder. Sure in the moment I (hopefully) knew what I was posting and why. With the distance of time it is murky.
This post was ( I am sure ) going to go back and review creating a quick and easy docker container specifically to host postgress.
Let’s review the creation of our docker-compose.yaml file.
I can tell this is relatively recent because we don’t see the older style “version” tag. Which was deprecated. For some reason I want to go on a rant right about here. Has anyone else noticed that a lot of docker material gets deprecated on a regular basis. VERSION tag deprecated. Docker build – Deprecated. Docker Compose – Deprecated. For reasons that are fairly flimsy. But I digress.
image: postgres
restart: always
- pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data
- 5432:5432
Let’s review shall we? with this we create one service named “db”
The “image” comes from the image named “postgres”. At the time of of this postings (update) the source OS appears to b Debian “Bookworm”. Knowing what the source images is important because it tells a bit about the default dependencies and what you count on being present.
We sneak in a way to create the default username and password. (so yes please remember to change the most popular password on the planet (arguably).
There are two relatively competing images that can aid in the administration of postgres.
- admin
- pgadmin
image: adminer
restart: always
- 8080:8080
To administrate using a CLI utility you will need to get your first “handhold” into the system. Please remember that if you simply use “psql” this will be no bueno.
root@87bb27c51f2f:/# psql
psql: error: connection to server on socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432" failed: FATAL: role "root" does not exist
Instead – remember that gave yourself a way in you have only to use it.
psql -U admin
if you have to force set the postgres username/password
postgres=# ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'p@$$w0rd';
Random notes for creating a small table
If you have launched this you might benefit from some quick notes to create a small table.
AssetID int,
hostname varchar(255),
osfamily varchar(255),
ipaddress varchar(255),
tag varchar(255)
inserting some basic info
INSERT INTO assets (AssetID, hostname, osfamily, ipaddress, tag)
VALUES(1,'NY-0001', 'NT_WORKSTATION','','');
Using python to access postgres.
import pg8000.native
con = pg8000.native.Connection("postgres", password="p@$$w0rd")
for row in"SELECT * FROM assets;"):
quick side note for when installing postgres client.
apt install postgresql-client-common
apt install postgresql-client
Quick Notes:
Just a reminder for when accessing the docker image
docker exec -it 28a /bin/bash
(in this instances we would have found 28a by doing a “docker ps”)